Riverside Housing Group – Boundary Railing Replacement Program
Client: Riverside Housing Group
Project duration: 16 weeks
Frank Rogers has been tasked with the removal of 1.1km of perimeter fencing to the pavement frontages to flats in the Lea Valley area for housing association, Riverside Group.
The project
The existing wooden fencing had been installed over some 18 months prior, however, with negative feedback from the tenants in terms of wear and tear and general aesthetics, Riverside opted to replace with high specification metal railings, repointing was undertaken to the existing low level walling and the railings mounted along extended stretches giving a very pleasing effect.
The feedback from tenants to date has been particularly positive in terms of the new railings and the team undertaking the work in general.
Dave Lindeman, Project Manager at Frank Rogers said;
“This is a fairly straight forward project that involves our team working within a local community and ensuring that we remain considerate of tenant’s needs throughout, working together where possible.
“The new railings are already looking really striking and tenants are really enthused about the completed installation.”